Dried Floral Bar in SoCal

Dried Floral Bar in SoCal

Dried Floral Bar in SoCal

Dried Floral Bar in SoCal

Dried Floral Bar in SoCal

Dried Floral Bar in SoCal

Dried Floral Bar in SoCal

Dried Floral Bar in SoCal

Dried Floral Bar in SoCal

Dried Floral Bar in SoCal

Heart of God Letter Bracelet

When God gets ready to change someone, how does He do it? By changing how they think. God changes the thought process. It’s so important to watch what you feed your heart for your actions will follow what you put into your mind. Let this heart bracelet be a reminder to guard our hearts so we can allow God to transform us. "Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life." -Proverbs 4:23

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